Saturday, April 2, 2011

First Post

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog!  Ive never done this before so please be patient as I am learning how this works. 

Here's whats going on with the Larsen's.  The kids are doing great in school, we made mostly all A's and B's on the report cards.  Justin is still busy as usual.  He's had a month off of work and goes back to work on Monday which im sure he will be really happy about.  As for me well im busy as always.  With volunteering, school and kids im stretched as thin as I can get.

Here's a little bit about me and what is to come on my blog.  Im an avid quilter and scrapbooker so you may start seeing lots of quilts and scrapbook pages on my blog.  I also teach alot.  Im into teaching K-2 so I have alot of stuff and alot of ideas.  If you need any please feel free to ask.  If you have any ideas or great lesson plans that you want to share please do..  A teacher can never have to many ideas!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mrs.Joy! I love your blog! I look forward to reading more of it. Come and see my blog too! It is Follow me!(:
